Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department:
Thursday, Dec. 31: At 9:06 pm an officer performed a traffic stop on a speeding driver on Highway 30 near N. Elm St. During the stop the officer could detect the smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. During a probable cause search, marijuana and a smoking device were located. Elizabeth Anne Roper, 18, of Churdan was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana (serious misdemeanor) and possession of drug paraphernalia (simple misdemeanor)*. At 11:59 pm an officer located a vehicle parked at Henderson Park. He spoke to two young subjects in the vehicle and advised them the park was closed. They went on their way.
Wednesday, Dec. 30: Routine activity reported.
Tuesday, Dec. 29: At 12:51 pm officers investigated an accident at E. Central Ave and N. Olive St. Dennis Borkowski was westbound on Central driving his 2002 Buick Park Ave. Michael Wallace of Jefferson was northbound on Olive operating a city of Jefferson plow truck. Both drivers noticed the other and hard braked their vehicles. The units could not stop due to slick road conditions and collided. The Borkowski vehicle incurred an estimated $1,500 in front end damages. Damage to the snow plow was estimated at $500. At 9:23 pm officers were requested at a residence in the 300 block of E. Vest St. A subject had been handcuffed at the residence, but had lost the keys to the cuffs. The officer unlocked the cuffs from the subject. *****One snow ordinance parking violation was issued during this reporting period.
Monday, Dec. 28: At 9:40 am a complainant reported the theft of a purse from her vehicle on 12/27. Bank and credit cards, as well as prescription medications were in the purse. She was unsure exactly when and where the theft had occurred
Sunday, Dec. 27: At 5:53 am a subject located three wrapped gifts in the street on W. Lincoln Way. The officer opened the gifts to determine a possible owner and found they contained old shoes or were empty. He disposed of the items. *****An officer has requested arrest warrants for Phillip Michael Kennedy, 33, of Fort Dodge and Matthew James Spaulding, 29, of Ogden after completing the investigation of a burglary that occurred at a residence in the 300 block of E. Lincoln Way on 12/07. Both are charged with burglary- second degree (Class C felony)*. *****An officer has requested an arrest warrant for Laura Anne Friedel, 40, of Lohrville on a charge of violation of a protective order (simple misdemeanor)*. The charge stems from a traffic stop on 12/19 in which the protected party and Friedel were both in the vehicle.
Saturday, Dec. 26: At 7:17 pm an officer assisted the jailer with a belligerent inmate. At 11:35 pm several callers advised of hearing a loud explosion in the south part of town. Officers did not locate anything that may have caused the calls.
Friday, Dec. 25: At 12:55 pm an officer investigated a two-vehicle collision at the intersection of W. Monroe and S. West Sts. Markus Rosenow of Bagley was southbound on West S. driving a 2005 Chevrolet Impala owned by Krystal Dzuris of Jefferson when he failed to yield at the intersection. Rosenow collided with an eastbound 2003 Chevrolet K1500 pickup truck owned and operated by Carter Semke of Des Moines. Rosenow was cited for failure to yield to vehicle on right. Semke was cited for driving while license suspended. Damage to both vehicles was estimated at $3,000.
Thursday, Dec. 24: At 1:45 am officers assisted the Jefferson fire department with a structure fire at 409 N. Maple St. The fire was contained to an area of the garage near a wood burning stove.
Wednesday, Dec. 23: At 2:45 pm Mike Coil reported his 2004 Dodge Ram pickup truck was parked overnight on the street in the 100 block of E. Vest St. Another vehicle had struck the side of his truck, causing minor paint damage to the door. The officer estimated the damage at $500. The driver involved is unknown at this time. ***** An officer has requested an arrest warrant for Keegan Wayne Williams, 24, of Jefferson for theft- fifth degree*. The charge stems from the reported theft of alcohol from HyVee on 12/20.
Tuesday, Dec. 22: At 9:49 an officer began investigating a second reported burglary at a residence in the 900 block of W. Harrison St. The first event was reported on 12/20. The residence was entered again and ransacked. The officer is investigating. At 1:24 pm a complainant reported an overnight burglary to a garage in the 100 block of S. West St. Tools and other items were missing from the garage. The officer is investigating. At 2:22 pm the sheriff spotted at male wanted on local arrest warrants at Casey’s General Store. The male ran from the area and the sheriff chased him on foot. The male subject entered the residence at 409 N. Maple St. A male in the residence denied that the male had entered the residence. A short time later, the male walked out of the residence to officers. Ryan Douglas Patterson, 40, of Jefferson was placed in custody on numerous outstanding Jefferson PD arrest warrants. Gilbert James Montgomery, 64, of Jefferson was arrested by a deputy for interference with officials acts (simple misdemeanor)*. During the event, Jefferson officers recovered stolen property from recent Jefferson burglaries. The investigation is on-going. At 6:03 pm a complainant reported an overnight burglary to a parked vehicle in the 300 block of N. Pinet St. Some of the missing items had been recovered earlier in the day by an officer. The officer is investigating. At 8:24 pm an officer spoke to a mother and her juvenile daughter at the LEC. The pair reported concerns that a male adult was stalking the juvenile. The officer is investigating the report.
Monday, Dec. 21: At 2:33 pm a complainant requested officers at a residence in the 900 block of W. Lincoln Way and reported she had been assaulted by her adult son. The officers arrested Keegan Wayne Williams, 24, of Jefferson for domestic abuse assault (serious misdemeanor)*. At 4:55 pm Carroll County deputies requested assistance from Jefferson officers in looking for a female missing from their county. The subject was not located in Jefferson. At 5:22 pm a complainant reported her vehicle was damaged while parked in the HyVee parking lot. The officer will see if surveillance cameras from the business may help identify the other vehicle involved. At 8:46 pm an officer initiated an investigation of a sex assault against a juvenile female that reportedly occurred in Jefferson. The officer will work with DHS on the investigation.
Sunday, Nov. 20: At 11:37 am a complainant reported items missing from his unlocked residence in the 900 block of W. Harrison St. A TV and golf clubs were missing from the residence, along with three cartons of cigarettes. The officer removed a few items to attempt to gather latent prints from them and is investigating the reported burglary. At 4:48 pm staff at HyVee reported the theft of alcohol from the store. A male entered the business and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and immediately walked out of the store. The business has provided the officer video of the event and a suspect has been identified. The investigation continues. At 5:54 pm Janet Hardman called and reported she had backed her 2007 Lexus G47 from her private drive in the 900 block of W. Harrison into a 1997 Dodge Ram 1500 parked on the street. Hardman was cited for unsafe backing upon a highway. Damage to her vehicle was estimated at $1,000. Damage to the pickup truck which is owned Kenneth Eugene Harman of Lohrville, was estimated at $500. At 6:12 pm a complainant reported a dead deer in the roadway on Highway 4 south of the Raccoon River bridge. The officer met a subject and issued a salvage tag so the subject could take the deer.
Saturday, Dec. 19: At 5:12 am an officer assisted the jailer with a cell search in the jail. At 2:46 pm officers investigated a hit and run accident in the 400 block of N. Vine St. Loni Huntley of Ogden was driving a 2018 Chevrolet Equinox owned by Catherine Cruse of Ogden when she struck a parked 2004 GMC Sierra 1500 and then proceeded into the HyVee parking lot. Officers made contact with Huntley as she left the store. Huntley was cited for failure to maintain control. Damage to the Sierra, which is owned by Paul Oyres of Jefferson, was estimated at $5,000. Cruse’s vehicle was towed from the scene. At 7:06 pm staff at Wild Rose Casino requested an officer for a person located on the gaming floor after signing a self-exclusion from the casino. Staff advised the male subject was unclear he could not be in the sports betting area, and requested the officer explain that to the male and verbally warn him about the trespass. At 10:50 pm during a traffic stop in the 1400 block of N. Elm St, the officer learned there was an active Marshalltown PD arrest warrant for a female passenger for failure to appear on a domestic abuse charge. The officer arrested Elizabeth Anne Flowe, 61, of Mesquite, TX, for the warrant. The officer also learned there is a protective order in place with Flowe’s adult daughter, who was also a passenger in the car. The officer also requested an arrest warrant for Flowe for violation of a protective order (simple misdemeanor)*.
Friday, Dec. 18: At 5:50 pm a complainant reported the theft of a bicycle from a residence in the 900 block of W. State St. The bike has been missing since 12/11. The officer is investigating.
Thursday, Dec. 17: At 9:45 am a resident reported finding a lock box near a dumpster in the 200 block of W. Washington St. The officer took custody of the item incase the owner reports it as missing. At 11:46 am officers investigated a two-vehicle crash at N. Oak and W. Washington Sts. Elizabeth Dimarco of Durand, IL, was northbound on Oak driving her 2016 Chrysler Town & Country van. Everette Beebe of Jefferson was eastbound on Washington driving his 2018 Ford Edge. Beebe was in the intersection when Dimarco struck his vehicle. Damage to each vehicle was estimated at $7,000. *****An officer has requested an arrest warrant for Ashley Marie Kuenster, 30, of Des Moines on a charge of possession of marijuana*. The charge stems from positive test results completed on items seized during a traffic stop on 6/02. *****An officer has requested an arrest warrant for Tristan Stefan Knudsen, 24, of Webster City on a charge of possession of marijuana*. The charge stems from positive test results completed on items seized during a traffic stop on 7/04.
Wednesday, Dec. 16: At 9:06 am staff at Greene County High School advised of finding two female juveniles using a vaping device in the restroom. The officer is investigating. A 9:56 am officers investigated an accident at the intersection of Chestnut St and Lincoln Way. Pamela Thomsen of Jefferson was stopped on Lincoln Way as posted. Sandra Altman of Coon Rapids failed to stop and struck the rear end of Thomsen’s vehicle. Altman was cited for fail to stop in assured clear distance ahead. Damage to her 2016 Kia Cadenza was estimated at $1,500. Damage to Thomsen’s 2019 GMC Arcadia was also estimated at $1,500. At 12:09 pm a complainant reported he was involved in a ransom scam on his home computer. While navigating on the web, his computer locked up and a message popped up requiring a check for $340 to unlock his computer. The complainant issued the check, but then stopped payment and took his computer in for repairs. At 4:19 pm callers advised of a young driver “doing donuts” in the football field parking lot on Ram Drive. Officers located the vehicle and spoke to the young driver about the issue. *****An officer has requested an arrest warrant for James Warren Matthews, 23, of Ogden on a charge of possession of marijuana (serious misdemeanor)*. The request stems from test results on items seized during a traffic stop in 7/24 in the 1400 block of W. Lincoln Way. *****An officer has requested an arrest warrant for Nickolas Andrew Brown, 25, of Jefferson on a charge of possession of marijuana*. The charge stems from test results on items seized during a traffic stop on 5/09 at 237th St and Kirkwood Ave.
Tuesday, Dec. 15: At 3:05 pm a complainant advised an officer she had fallen victim to a phone scam. The caller reported to be a police officer and advised her she had arrest warrants in Texas. Fetters provided the caller some personal information before the call ended. The officer has no way to follow up on the scam, but advised her to watch her accounts and credit history very closely for fraudulent activity. At 4:57 pm officers assisted the driver of a semi tractor-trailer rig that had mechanical problems and was partially blocking the southbound lanes in the 1700 block of N. Elm St. A local business used heavy equipment to push the tractor/trailer off the roadway until repairs could be made. At 6:22 pm a deputy requested assistance from a Jefferson officer with a deer struck by a vehicle and still alive in the roadway on County Road E-53 near Quint Ave east of Jefferson. The officer dispatched the animal and removed it from the roadway. At 6:42 pm a complainant reported a disabled vehicle in the roadway on N. Grimmell Rd near Highway 30. Officers assisted in pushing the vehicle off the roadway to be removed at a later time.
Monday, Dec. 14: Routine activity reported. *****An arrest warrant has been requested by an officer after completing an assault investigation that began on 12/01 at Sparky’s One-Stop. The warrant was requested for Shirley Ann Henry, 51, of Jefferson for assault- simple*.
Sunday, Dec. 13: *****Officers issued 33 parking-snow ordinance citations during this reporting period.
Saturday, Dec. 12: At 12:18 am staff at Greene County Medical Center ER requested officers there for an unruly patient. The officers assisted ER staff with the patient. At 9:01 pm a complainant reported a large fire on the north side of the railroad tracks on N. Grimmell Road. The officer located the fire and learned it was being supervised and all was fine.
Friday, Dec. 11: At 8:14 am a teacher reported a friendly stray dog Greene County High School. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility. At 2:40 pm a mother requested officers at her residence for her adult son who she thought was acting strangely. Officers coaxed the male to ER to be evaluated by a medical doctor. At 5:17 pm officers assisted a motorist who had locked an infant in a vehicle in the 300 block of E. Monroe St. The officers unlocked the vehicle for the parents.
Thursday, Dec. 10: At 2:35 am the dispatcher received a 911 call and could hear voices and screaming in the background, but the call ended. The officer checked several locations in Jefferson, but did not locate anyone needing assistance.
Wednesday, Dec. 9: At 12:50 am while on patrol, an officer located a male subject standing outside a local church. The pastor was contacted, and they arranged for a hotel room for the subject. At 11:24 am a complainant called the LEC and advised he had captured a stray dog outside of Jefferson and he wanted to meet an officer at the animal holding facility. The officer placed the dog in the pound. At 12:33 pm officers were called to a residence in the 100 block of N. Olive St for a psychologically unstable female. The officers spent time trying to coax the female to ER, but were unsuccessful in doing so. The officers decided to take the female to ER against her will and became involved in a brief struggle with her in the yard. EMS was called to assist in transporting the female. The patient continued to be disruptive with ER staff and the officer had to assist staff for several hours. Due to the situation, no criminal charges of assault will be pursued against the patient.
Tuesday, Dec. 8: At 3:42 pm an officer investigated an accident in the parking lot at the Greene County High School. Noble Hoyt, who was driving a 1996 Chevrolet Blazer owned by Abby Hoyt of Scranton, made contact with a 2015 Dodge Ram pickup truck owned by Teeples Heating and Cooling and being driven by Kole Teeples of Jefferson. It was the rear bumper of the Blazer that made contact with the truck. The vehicles suffered very minor damage in the accident.
Monday, Dec. 7: Officers are working to contact the owner of a vehicle parked in the street near N. Walnut and W. Washington St. The vehicle is in violation of ordinances and needs to be removed from the street. At 2:20 pm a complainant reported a possible harassment. The officer is investigating. At 10:59 pm during a traffic stop on Highway 30 at M Ave the officer learned there was an active arrest warrant out of Boone County for the driver. After confirming the warrant was valid, the officer arrested Shawn Richard Knudsen, 29, of Urbandale and transported him to the LEC to be picked up by a Boone County deputy.
Sunday, Dec. 6: Routine activity reported.
Saturday, Dec. 5: At 10:40 am city public works employees requested an officer at N. Elm and Central Ave for a fire hydrant that had been struck by an unknown vehicle. The officer reviewed video from nearby businesses but did not see a suspect vehicle. The officer is still investigating. At 10:44 am a complainant requested an officer at a residence in the 900 block of W. Lincoln Way for her adult son, who was damaging the property. The officer arrived and made contact with the male subject. During the event, the suspect used a lit cigarette to burn the officer’s wrist. Keegan Wayne Williams, 24, of Jefferson was arrested for criminal mischief– fourth degree (serious misdemeanor) and interference with official acts (simple misdemeanor)*. At 6 pm staff at HyVee reported the theft of groceries. The business provided video of the reported event. The officer has requested an arrest warrant for Jennifer M. Ashby, 48, of Jefferson for theft– fifth degree (simple misdemeanor)*. At 8:04 pm a complainant reported smelling smoke in the area of the 200 block of N. Wilson Ave. The officers went to the area and determined a local business was roasting coffee beans, causing the smell in the area.
Friday, Dec. 4: At 7:17 am a complainant reported an abandoned bicycle in the 200 block of N. Olive St. The officer placed the bicycle in the impound lot. At 902 am officers and the fire chief assisted the code enforcement officer in executing an administrative search warrant at 112 S. Wilson Ave. The warrant was to gain access to the building to determine the condition of the property. At 2:44 pm officers were advised of the smell of natural gas in the 500 block of E. Garfield St. Alliant Energy personnel arrived and took care of the issue. At 3:10 pm a complainant reported property stolen from a residence in the 700 block of W. Harrison St. Women’s clothing and a ring were missing. The officer is investigating.
Thursday, Dec. 3: At 11:54 am officers were requested at the Greene County Middle School for two unruly juvenile females. The juveniles were transported to the LEC by officers and later released to their parents. No criminal charges will be filed, but the officers are sending the two to the pre-diversion program. At 4:06 pm a mother advised her three children had left their residence after an argument. The officer located the juveniles a short time later and took them back home. A DHS case worker, who is already involved with the family, was working to find a solution to the issue.
Wednesday, Dec. 2: Routine activity reported.
Tuesday, Dec. 1: At 4:25 pm a complainant reported an assault that had taken place at Sparky’s One Stop. The situation remains under investigation. At 4:45 pm a Greene County school bus driver reported a school bus passing violation had occurred at the intersection of N. Cedar St and E. Lincoln Way.
*Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.